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Tune TiKV Thread Pool Performance

This document introduces TiKV internal thread pools and how to tune their performance.

Thread pool introduction

The TiKV thread pool is mainly composed of gRPC, Scheduler, UnifyReadPool, Raftstore, StoreWriter, Apply, RocksDB, and some scheduled tasks and detection components that do not consume much CPU. This document mainly introduces a few CPU-intensive thread pools that affect the performance of read and write requests.

  • The gRPC thread pool: it handles all network requests and forwards requests of different task types to different thread pools.

  • 调度程序线程池:检测transa写ction conflicts, converts requests like the two-phase commit, pessimistic locking, and transaction rollbacks into key-value pair arrays, and then sends them to the Raftstore thread for Raft log replication.

  • The Raftstore thread pool:

    • It processes all Raft messages and the proposal to add a new log.
    • It writes Raft logs to the disk. If the value ofstore-io-pool-sizeis0, the Raftstore thread writes the logs to the disk; if the value is not0, the Raftstore thread sends the logs to the StoreWriter thread.
    • When Raft logs in the majority of replicas are consistent, the Raftstore thread sends the logs to the Apply thread.
  • The StoreWriter thread pool: it writes all Raft logs to the disk and returns the result to the Raftstore thread.

  • The Apply thread pool: it receives the submitted log sent from the Raftstore thread pool, parses it as a key-value request, then writes it to RocksDB, calls the callback function to notify the gRPC thread pool that the write request is complete, and returns the result to the client.

  • 的RocksDBthread pool: it is a thread pool for RocksDB to compact and flush tasks. For RocksDB's architecture andCompactoperation, refer toRocksDB: A Persistent Key-Value Store for Flash and RAM Storage

  • The UnifyReadPool thread pool: it is a combination of the Coprocessor thread pool and Storage Read Pool. All read requests such as kv get, kv batch get, raw kv get, and coprocessor are executed in this thread pool.

TiKV read-only requests

TiKV's read requests are divided into the following types:

  • Simple queries that specify a certain row or several rows, running in the Storage Read Pool.
  • Complex aggregate calculation and range queries, running in the Coprocessor Read Pool.

Starting from TiKV v5.0, all read requests use the unified thread pool for queries by default. If your TiKV cluster is upgraded from TiKV v4.0 and theuse-unified-poolconfiguration ofreadpool.storagewas set tofalsebefore the upgrade, all read requests continue using different thread pools after the upgrade. In this scenario, to make all read requests use the unified thread pool for queries, you can set the value

Performance tuning for TiKV thread pools

  • The gRPC thread pool.

    The default size (configured byserver.grpc-concurrency) of the gRPC thread pool is5。This thread pool has almost no computing overhead and is mainly responsible for network I/O and deserialization requests, so generally you do not need to adjust the default configuration.

    • If the machine deployed with TiKV has a small number (less than or equal to 8) of CPU cores, consider setting theserver.grpc-concurrencyconfiguration item to2
    • If the machine deployed with TiKV has very high configuration, TiKV undertakes a large number of read and write requests, and the value ofCPU gRPC调查that monitors Thread CPU on Grafana exceeds 80% ofserver.grpc-concurrency, then consider increasing the value ofserver.grpc-concurrencyto keep the thread pool usage rate below 80% (that is, the metric on Grafana is lower than80% * server.grpc-concurrency).
  • The Scheduler thread pool.

    When TiKV detects that the number of machine CPU cores is larger than or equal to 16, the default size (configured bystorage.scheduler-worker-pool-size) of the Scheduler thread pool is8; when TiKV detects that the number of machine CPU cores is smaller than 16, the default size is4

    This thread pool is mainly used to convert complex transaction requests into simple key-value read and write requests. However,the Scheduler thread pool itself does not perform any write operation

    • If it detects a transaction conflict, then this thread pool returns the conflict result to the client in advance.

    • If no conflict is detected, then this thread pool merges the key-value requests that perform write operations into a Raft log and sends it to the Raftstore thread for Raft log replication.

      Generally speaking, to avoid excessive thread switching, it is best to ensure that the utilization rate of the Scheduler thread pool is between 50% and 75%. If the thread pool size is8, then it is recommended to keepTiKV-Details.Thread CPU.scheduler worker CPUon Grafana between 400% and 600%.

  • The Raftstore thread pool.

    The Raftstore thread pool is the most complex thread pool in TiKV. The default size (configured of this thread pool is2。For the StoreWriter thread pool, the default size (configured is0

    • When the size of the StoreWriter thread pool is 0, all write requests are written into RocksDB in the way offsyncby the Raftstore thread. In this case, it is recommended to tune the performance as follows:

      • Keep the overall CPU usage of the Raftstore thread below 60%. When the number of Raftstore threads is 2, keep theTiKV-Details,Thread CPU,Raft store CPUon Grafana below 120%. Due to I/O requests, the CPU usage of Raftstore threads in theory is always lower than 100%.
      • Do not increase the size of the Raftstore thread pool to improve write performance without careful consideration, because this might increase the disk burden and degrade performance.
    • When the size of the StoreWriter thread pool is not 0, all write requests are written into RocksDB in the way offsyncby the StoreWriter thread. In this case, it is recommended to tune the performance as follows:

      • Enable the StoreWriter thread pool ONLY when the overall CPU resources are sufficient. When the StoreWriter thread pool is enabled, keep the CPU usage of the StoreWriter thread and the Raftstore thread below 80%.

        Compared with the case that the write requests are processed by the Raftstore thread, in theory, when the write requests are processed by the StoreWriter thread, write latency and the tail latency of data read are significantly reduced. However, as the write speed grows faster, the number of Raft logs increases accordingly. This can cause the CPU overhead of the Raftstore threads, the Apply threads, and the gRPC threads to increase. In this case, insufficient CPU resources might offset the tuning effect, and as a result, the write speed might become slower than before. Therefore, if the CPU resources are not sufficient, it is not recommended to enable the StoreWriter thread. Because the Raftstore thread sends most of the I/O requests to the StoreWriter thread, you need to keep the CPU usage of the Raftstore thread below 80%.

    • In most cases, set the size of the StoreWriter thread pool to 1 or 2. This is because the size of the StoreWriter thread pool affects the number of Raft logs, so the value of the thread pool size should not be too large. If the CPU usage is higher than 80%, consider increasing the thread pool size.

    • Pay attention to the impact of increasing Raft logs on the CPU overhead of other thread pools. If necessary, you need to increase the number of Raftstore threads, Apply threads, and gRPC threads accordingly.

  • The UnifyReadPool thread pool.

    The UnifyReadPool is responsible for handling all read requests. The default size (configured byreadpool.unified.max-thread-count) is 80% of the number of the machine's CPU cores. For example, if the machine CPU has 16 cores, the default thread pool size is 12. It is recommended to adjust the CPU usage rate according to the application workloads and keep it between 60% and 90% of the thread pool size.

    If the peak value of theTiKV-Details.Thread CPU.Unified read pool CPUon Grafana does not exceed 800%, then it is recommended to setreadpool.unified.max-thread-countto10。Too many threads can cause more frequent thread switching, and take up resources of other thread pools.

    Since v6.3.0, TiKV supports automatically adjusting the UnifyReadPool thread pool size based on the current CPU usage. To enable this feature, you can set = true。建议自动调整thread pool size for clusters that are reread and whose maximum CPU usage exceeds 80%.

  • 的RocksDBthread pool.

    的RocksDBthread pool is a thread pool for RocksDB to compact and flush tasks. Usually, you do not need to configure it.

    • If the machine has a small number of CPU cores, set bothrocksdb.max-background-jobsandraftdb.max-background-jobsto4

    • If you encounter write stall, go to Write Stall Reason inRocksDB-kvon Grafana and check on the metrics that are not0

      • If it is caused by reasons related to pending compaction bytes, setrocksdb.max-sub-compactionsto2or3。This configuration item indicates the number of sub-threads allowed for a single compaction job. Its default value is3在TiKV 4.0和1in TiKV 3.0.

      • If the reason is related to memtable count, it is recommended to increase themax-write-buffer-numberof all columns (5by default).

      • If the reason is related to the level0 file limit, it is recommended to increase values of the following parameters to64or a larger number:

        rocksdb.defaultcf.level0-slowdown-writes-trigger rocksdb.writecf.level0-slowdown-writes-trigger rocksdb.lockcf.level0-slowdown-writes-trigger rocksdb.defaultcf.level0-stop-writes-trigger rocksdb.writecf.level0-stop-writes-trigger rocksdb.lockcf.level0-stop-writes-trigger
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