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TiDB 6.1.2 Release Notes

Release date: October 24, 2022

TiDB version: 6.1.2

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  • TiDB

    • Allow setting placement rules and TiFlash replicas at the same time in one table#37171@lcwangchao
  • TiKV

    • Support configuring theunreachable_backoffitem to avoid Raftstore broadcasting too many messages after one peer becomes unreachable#13054@5kbpers
    • Support configuring the RocksDB write stall settings to a value smaller than the flow control threshold#13467@tabokie
  • Tools

    • TiDB Lightning

      • Add retryable errors during checksum to improve robustness#37690@D3Hunter
    • TiCDC

      • Enhance the performance of the region worker by handling resolved TS in a batch#7078@sdojjy

Bug fixes

  • TiDB

    • Fix the issue that database-level privileges are incorrectly cleaned up#38363@dveeden
    • Fix the incorrect output ofSHOW CREATE PLACEMENT POLICY#37526@xhebox
    • Fix the issue that when one PD node goes down, the query ofinformation_schema.TIKV_REGION_STATUSfails due to not retrying other PD nodes#35708@tangenta
    • Fix the issue that theUNIONoperator might return unexpected empty result#36903@tiancaiamao
    • Fix the wrong result that occurs when enabling dynamic mode in partitioned tables for TiFlash#37254@wshwsh12
    • Fix the issue that the Region cache is not cleaned up in time when the Region is merged#37141@sticnarf
    • Fix the issue that the KV client sends unnecessary ping messages#36861@jackysp
    • Fix the issue that theEXPLAIN ANALYZEb和DML语句执行人可以返回结果efore the transaction commit finishes#37373@cfzjywxk
    • Fix the issue thatGROUP CONCATwithORDER BYmight fail when theORDER BYclause contains a correlated subquery#18216@winoros
    • Fix the issue thatCan't find columnis reported if anUPDATEstatement contains common table expressions (CTE)#35758@AilinKid
    • Fix the issue that theEXECUTEmight throw an unexpected error in specific scenarios#37187@Reminiscent
  • TiKV

    • Fix the issue that the snapshot data might be incomplete caused by batch snapshot across Regions#13553@SpadeA-Tang
    • Fix the issue of QPS drop when flow control is enabled andlevel0_slowdown_triggeris set explicitly#11424@Connor1996
    • Fix the issue that causes permission denied error when TiKV gets an error from the web identity provider and fails back to the default provider#13122@3pointer
    • Fix the issue that the TiKV service is unavailable for several minutes when a TiKV instance is in an isolated network environment#12966@cosven
  • PD

    • Fix the issue that the statistics of the Region tree might be inaccurate#5318@rleungx
    • Fix the issue that the TiFlash learner replica might not be created#5401@HunDunDM
    • Fix the issue that PD cannot correctly handle dashboard proxy requests#5321@HunDunDM
    • Fix the issue that unhealthy Region might cause PD panic#5491@nolouch
  • TiFlash

    • Fix the issue that I/O Limiter might incorrectly throttle the I/O throughput of query requests after bulk writes, which reduces the query performance#5801@JinheLin
    • Fix the issue that a window function might cause TiFlash to crash when the query is canceled#5814@SeaRise
    • Fix the panic that occurs after creating the primary index with a column containing theNULLvalue#5859@JaySon-Huang
  • Tools

    • TiDB Lightning

      • 修复无效metr TiDB闪电引起的恐慌ic counters#37338@D3Hunter
    • TiDB Data Migration (DM)

      • Fix the issue that upstream table structure information is lost when DM tasks enter the sync unit and are interrupted#7159@lance6716
      • Fix large transaction errors by splitting SQL statements when saving checkpoints#5010@lance6716
      • Fix the issue that DM precheck requires theSELECTprivilege onINFORMATION_SCHEMA#7317@lance6716
      • Fix the issue that DM-worker triggers a deadlock error after running DM tasks with fast/full validators#7241@buchuitoudegou
      • Fix the issue that DM reports theSpecified key was too longerror#5315@lance6716
      • Fix the issue that latin1 data might be corrupted during replication#7028@lance6716
    • TiCDC

      • Fix the issue that the cdc server might panic if it receives an HTTP request before the cdc server fully starts#6838@asddongmen
      • Fix the log flooding issue during upgrade#7235@hi-rustin
      • Fix the issue that changefeed's redo log files might be deleted by mistake#6413@hi-rustin
      • Fix the issue that TiCDC might become unavailable when too many operations in an etcd transaction are committed#7131@hi-rustin
      • Fix the issue that data inconsistency might occur when non-reentrant DDL statements in redo logs are executed twice#6927@hicqu
    • Backup & Restore (BR)

      • Fix the issue that the regions are not balanced because the concurrency is set too large during the restoration#37549@3pointer
      • Fix the issue that might lead to backup and restoration failure if special characters exist in the authorization key of external storage#37469@MoCuishle28
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