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TiDB 5.1.5 Release Notes

Release date: December 28, 2022

TiDB version: 5.1.5

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Compatibility changes

  • PD

    • Disable compiling swagger server by default#4932

Bug fixes

  • TiDB

    • Fix the issue that the window function causes TiDB to panic instead of reporting an error#30326
    • Fix the wrong result that occurs when enabling dynamic mode in partitioned tables for TiFlash#37254
    • Fix wrong results ofGREATESTandLEASTwhen passing in unsignedBIGINTarguments#30101
    • Fix wrong results of deleting data of multiple tables usingleft join#31321
    • Fix the issue that the result ofconcat(ifnull(time(3)))in TiDB is different from that in MySQL#29498
    • Fix the issue that the SQL statements that containcast(integer as char) union stringreturn wrong results#29513
    • Fix the issue thatINL_HASH_JOINmight hang when used withLIMIT#35638
    • Fix the wrongANY_VALUEresult that occurs when a Region returns empty data#30923
    • Fix wrong results of index join caused by an innerWorker panic#31494
    • Fix the issue that a SQL operation is canceled when its JSON type column joins itsCHARtype column#29401
    • Fix the issue that the background HTTP service of TiDB might not exit successfully and makes the cluster in an abnormal state#30571
    • Fix the issue that concurrent column type change causes inconsistency between the schema and the data#31048
    • Fix the issue thatKILL TIDBcannot take effect immediately on idle connections#24031
    • Fix the bug that setting any session variable will maketidb_snapshotfail to work#35515
    • Fix the issue that the Region cache is not cleaned up in time when the Region is merged#37141
    • Fix the panic issue caused by the connection array race in the KV client#33773
    • 解决这个问题,当TiDB Binlog启用,交货ecuting theALTER SEQUENCEstatement might cause a wrong metadata version and cause Drainer to exit#36276
    • Fix the bug that TiDB may panic when querying statement summary tables#35340
    • Fix the issue that TiDB gets the wrong result when using TiFlash to scan tables with empty range although TiFlash does not support reading tables with empty range yet#33083
    • Fix the issue that theavg()function returnsERROR 1105 (HY000): other error for mpp stream: Could not convert to the target type - -value is out of range.when queried from TiFlash#29952
    • Fix the issue thatERROR 1105 (HY000): close of nil channelis returned when usingHashJoinExec#30289
    • Fix the issue that TiKV and TiFlash return different results when querying logical operations#37258
    • Fix the issue that theEXECUTEstatement might throw an unexpected error in specific scenarios#37187
    • Fix the planner wrong behaviors that occur whentidb_opt_agg_push_downandtidb_enforce_mppare enabled#34465
    • Fix a bug that TiDB might send coprocessor requests when executing theSHOW COLUMNSstatement#36496
    • Add warnings forlock tablesandunlock tableswhen theenable-table-lockflag is not enabled#28967
    • Fix the issue that range partitions allow multipleMAXVALUEpartitions#36329
  • TiKV

    • Fix the issue of time parsing error that occurs when theDATETIMEvalues contain a fraction andZ#12739
    • Fix a bug that replica reads might violate the linearizability#12109
    • Fix a bug that Regions might be overlapped if Raftstore is busy#13160
    • Fix the TiKV panic issue that occurs when applying snapshot is aborted#11618
    • Fix a bug that TiKV might panic if it has been running for 2 years or more#11940
    • Fix the panic issue that might occur when the source peer catches up logs by snapshot in the Region merge process#12663
    • Fix the issue that TiKV panics when performing type conversion for an empty string#12673
    • Fix a bug that stale messages cause TiKV to panic#12023
    • Fix the panic issue that might occur when a peer is being split and destroyed at the same time#12825
    • Fix the TiKV panic issue that occurs when the target peer is replaced with the peer that is destroyed without being initialized when merging a Region#12048
    • Fix the issue that TiKV reports theinvalid store ID 0error when using Follower Read#12478
    • Fix the possible duplicate commit records in pessimistic transactions when async commit is enabled#12615
    • Support configuring theunreachable_backoffitem to avoid Raftstore broadcasting too many messages after one peer becomes unreachable#13054
    • Fix the issue that successfully committed optimistic transactions may report theWrite Conflicterror when the network is poor#34066
    • Fix the wrong expression ofUnified Read Pool CPUin dashboard#13086
  • PD

    • Fix the issue that a removed tombstone store appears again after the PD leader transfer#4941
    • Fix the issue that scheduling cannot start immediately after the PD leader transfer#4769
    • Fix the wrong status code ofnot leader#4797
    • Fix the issue that PD cannot correctly handle dashboard proxy requests#5321
    • Fix a bug of TSO fallback in some corner cases#4884
    • Fix the issue that the TiFlash learner replica might not be created in specific scenarios#5401
    • Fix the issue that the label distribution has residual labels in the metrics#4825
    • Fix the issue that when there exists a Store with large capacity (2T for example), fully allocated small Stores cannot be detected, which results in no balance operator being generated#4805
    • Fix the issue that schedulers do not work whenSchedulerMaxWaitingOperatoris set to1#4946
  • TiFlash

    • Fix incorrectmicrosecondwhen casting string to datetime#3556
    • Fix the panic issue that occurs when TLS is enabled#4196
    • Fix a bug that TiFlash might crash due to an error in parallel aggregation#5356
    • Fix the issue that a query containingJOINmight be hung if an error occurs#4195
    • Fix the issue that the functionORreturns wrong results#5849
    • Fix the bug that invalid storage directory configurations lead to unexpected behaviors#4093
    • Fix potential data inconsistency after a lot of INSERT and DELETE operations#4956
    • Fix a bug that data not matching any region range remains on a TiFlash node#4414
    • Fix the potential query error after adding columns under heavy read workload#3967
    • Fix repeated crashes caused by thecommit state jump backwarderrors#2576
    • Fix potential errors when querying on a table with many delete operations#4747
    • Fix the issue that the date format identifies''as an invalid separator#4036
    • Fix the wrong result that occurs when castingDATETIMEtoDECIMAL#4151
    • Fix the bug that some exceptions are not handled properly#4101
    • Fix the issue thatPrepare Mergemight damage the metadata of the raft store and cause TiFlash to restart#3435
    • Fix a bug that an MPP query might fail due to random gRPC keepalive timeout#4662
    • Fix the issue that the result ofINis incorrect in multi-value expressions#4016
    • Fix a bug that MPP tasks might leak threads forever#4238
    • Fix the issue that expired data is recycled slowly#4146
    • Fix the overflow that occurs when castingFLOATtoDECIMAL#3998
    • Fix the issue that logical operators return wrong results when the argument type is UInt8#6127
    • Fix the potentialindex out of boundserror if callingjson_lengthwith empty string#2705
    • 修复错误的小数比较结果cas在角落es#4512
    • FixTiFlash_schema_errorreported whenNOT NULLcolumns are added#4596
    • Fix the issue that TiFlash bootstrap fails when0.0is used as the default value for integers, for example,`i` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0'#3157
  • Tools

    • TiDB Binlog

      • Fix the issue that Drainer cannot send requests to Pump correctly whencompressoris set tozip#1152
    • Backup & Restore (BR)

      • Fix the issue that system tables cannot be restored because concurrently backing up system tables makes the table name fail to update#29710
    • TiCDC

      • Fix data loss that occurs in special incremental scanning scenarios#5468
      • Fix the issue that there are no sorter metrics#5690
      • Fix excessive memory usage by optimizing the way DDL schemas are buffered#1386
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