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AUTO_RANDOMNew in v3.1.0

User scenario

Since the value ofAUTO_RANDOMis random and unique,AUTO_RANDOMis often used in place ofAUTO_INCREMENTto avoid write hotspot in a single storage node caused by TiDB assigning consecutive IDs. If the currentAUTO_INCREMENTcolumn is a primary key and the type isBIGINT, you can execute theALTER TABLE t MODIFY COLUMN id BIGINT AUTO_RANDOM(5);statement to switch fromAUTO_INCREMENTtoAUTO_RANDOM.

For more information about how to handle highly concurrent write-heavy workloads in TiDB, seeHighly concurrent write best practices.

TheAUTO_RANDOM_BASEparameter in the创建TABLEstatement is used to set the initial incremental part value ofauto_random. This option can be considered as a part of the internal interface. You can ignore this parameter.

Basic concepts

AUTO_RANDOMis a column attribute that is used to automatically assign values to aBIGINTcolumn. Values assigned automatically arerandomandunique.

To create a table with anAUTO_RANDOMcolumn, you can use the following statements. TheAUTO_RANDOMcolumn must be included in a primary key, and theAUTO_RANDOMcolumn is the first column in the primary key.


You can wrap the keywordAUTO_RANDOMin an executable comment. For more details, refer toTiDB specific comment syntax.

创建 TABLEt (abigint /*T![auto_rand] AUTO_RANDOM */, bVARCHAR(255),PRIMARYKEY (a));创建 TABLEt (abigint PRIMARYKEY/*T![auto_rand] AUTO_RANDOM */, bVARCHAR(255));创建 TABLEt (aBIGINT /*T![auto_rand] AUTO_RANDOM(6) */, bVARCHAR(255),PRIMARYKEY (a));创建 TABLEt (aBIGINT /*T![auto_rand] AUTO_RANDOM(5, 54) */, bVARCHAR(255),PRIMARYKEY (a));


  • 如果你明确specify the value of theAUTO_RANDOMcolumn, it is inserted into the table as is.
  • If you do not explicitly specify the value of theAUTO_RANDOMcolumn, TiDB generates a random value and inserts it into the table.

tidb> 创建 TABLEt (aBIGINT PRIMARYKEY AUTO_RANDOM, bVARCHAR(255)); Query OK,0 rowsaffected,1warning (0.01sec) tidb> INSERT INTOt(a, b)VALUES(1,'string'); Query OK,1 rowaffected (0.00sec) tidb> SELECT * FROMt;+ ---+--------+ |a|b| + ---+--------+ | 1 |string| + ---+--------+ 1 row in set(0.01sec) tidb> INSERT INTOt(b)VALUES('string2'); Query OK,1 rowaffected (0.00sec) tidb> INSERT INTOt(b)VALUES('string3'); Query OK,1 rowaffected (0.00sec) tidb> SELECT * FROMt;+ ---------------------+---------+ |a|b| + ---------------------+---------+ | 1 |string| | 1152921504606846978 |string2| | 4899916394579099651 |string3| + ---------------------+---------+ 3 rows in set(0.00sec)

TheAUTO_RANDOM(S, R)column value automatically assigned by TiDB has a total of 64 bits:

  • S是数量of shard bits. The value ranges from1to15. The default value is5.
  • Ris the total length of the automatic allocation range. The value ranges from32to64. The default value is64.

The structure of anAUTO_RANDOMvalue is as follows:

Total number of bits Sign bit Reserved bits Shard bits Auto-increment bits
64 bits 0/1 bit (64-R) bits S bits (R-1-S) bits
  • The length of the sign bit is determined by the existence of anUNSIGNEDattribute. If there is anUNSIGNEDattribute, the length is0. Otherwise, the length is1.
  • The length of the reserved bits is64-R. The reserved bits are always0.
  • The content of the shard bits is obtained by calculating the hash value of the starting time of the current transaction. To use a different length of shard bits (such as 10), you can specifyAUTO_RANDOM(10)when creating the table.
  • The value of the auto-increment bits is stored in the storage engine and allocated sequentially. Each time a new value is allocated, the value is incremented by 1. The auto-increment bits ensure that the values ofAUTO_RANDOMare unique globally. When the auto-increment bits are exhausted, an errorFailed to read auto-increment value from storage engineis reported when the value is allocated again.

Values allocated implicitly to theAUTO_RANDOMcolumn affectlast_insert_id(). To get the ID that TiDB last implicitly allocates, you can use theSELECT last_insert_id ()statement.

To view the shard bits number of the table with anAUTO_RANDOMcolumn, you can execute theSHOW CREATE TABLEstatement. You can also see the value of thePK_AUTO_RANDOM_BITS=xmode in theTIDB_ROW_ID_SHARDING_INFOcolumn in theinformation_schema.tablessystem table.x是数量of shard bits.

After creating a table with anAUTO_RANDOMcolumn, you can useSHOW WARNINGSto view the maximum implicit allocation times:


The output is as follows:

+ -------+------+---------------------------------------------------------+ |水平|Code|Message| + -------+------+---------------------------------------------------------+ |Note| 1105 |Available implicit allocation times:288230376151711743 | + -------+------+---------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set(0.00sec)


Pay attention to the following restrictions when you useAUTO_RANDOM:

  • To insert values explicitly, you need to set the value of the@@allow_auto_random_explicit_insertsystem variable to1(0by default). It isnotrecommended that you explicitly specify a value for the column with theAUTO_RANDOMattribute when you insert data. Otherwise, the numeral values that can be automatically allocated for this table might be used up in advance.
  • Specify this attribute for the primary key columnONLYas theBIGINTtype. Otherwise, an error occurs. In addition, when the attribute of the primary key isNONCLUSTERED,AUTO_RANDOMis not supported even on the integer primary key. For more details about the primary key of theCLUSTEREDtype, refer toclustered index.
  • You cannot useALTER TABLEto modify theAUTO_RANDOMattribute, including adding or removing this attribute.
  • You cannot useALTER TABLEto change fromAUTO_INCREMENTtoAUTO_RANDOMif the maximum value is close to the maximum value of the column type.
  • You cannot change the column type of the primary key column that is specified withAUTO_RANDOMattribute.
  • You cannot specifyAUTO_RANDOMandAUTO_INCREMENTfor the same column at the same time.
  • You cannot specifyAUTO_RANDOMandDEFAULT(the default value of a column) for the same column at the same time.
  • WhenAUTO_RANDOMis used on a column, it is difficult to change the column attribute back toAUTO_INCREMENTbecause the auto-generated values might be very large.
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