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RBAC rules required by TiDB Operator

Therole-based access control (RBAC)rules implemented on Kubernetes use Role or ClusterRole for management, and use RoleBinding or ClusterRoleBinding to grant permissions to a user or a group of users.

Manage TiDB clusters at the cluster level

If the default settingclusterScoped = trueis unchanged during the TiDB Operator deployment, TiDB Operator manages all TiDB clusters within a Kubernetes cluster.

To check the ClusterRole created for TiDB Operator, run the following command:

kubectl get clusterrole | grep tidb

The example output is as follows:

tidb-operator:tidb-controller-manager 2021-05-04T13:08:55Z tidb-operator:tidb-scheduler 2021-05-04T13:08:55Z

In the output above:

  • tidb-operator:tidb-controller-manageris the ClusterRole created for thetidb-controller-managerPod.
  • tidb-operator:tidb-scheduleris the ClusterRole created for thetidb-schedulerPod.

tidb-controller-managerClusterRole permissions

The following table lists the permissions corresponding to thetidb-controller-managerClusterRole.

Resource Non-resource URLs 资源名称 Action Explanation
events - - [*] Exports event information
services - - [*] 控制的访问service resources - - [*] 控制的访问StatefulSet resource whenAdvancedStatefulSet=true. For more information, seeAdvanced StatefulSet Controller. - - [*] 控制的访问StatefulSet resource whenAdvancedStatefulSet=true. For more information, seeAdvanced StatefulSet Controller.
controllerrevisions.apps - - [*] Control the version of Kubernetes StatefulSet/Daemonset
deployments.apps - - [*] 控制的访问Deployment resource
statefulsets.apps - - [*] 控制的访问Statefulset resource
ingresses.extensions - - [*] 控制的访问Ingress resource for the monitoring system
* - - [*] Control the access of all customized resources under
configmaps - - [create get list watch update delete] 控制的访问ConfigMap resource
endpoints - - [create get list watch update delete] 控制的访问Endpoints resource
serviceaccounts - - [create get update delete] Create ServiceAccount for the TidbMonitor/Discovery service - - [create get update delete] 创建ClusterRoleBinding for the TidbMonitor service - - [create get update delete] Create RoleBinding for the TidbMonitor/Discovery service
secrets - - [create update get list watch delete] 控制的访问Secret resource - - [escalate create get update delete] Create ClusterRole for the TidbMonitor service - - [escalate create get update delete] Create Role for the TidbMonitor/Discovery service
persistentvolumeclaims - - [get list watch create update delete patch] 控制的访问PVC resource
jobs.batch - - [get list watch create update delete] Use jobs to perform TiDB cluster initialization, backup, and restore operations
persistentvolumes - - [get list watch patch update] Perform operations such as adding labels related to cluster information for PV and modifyingpersistentVolumeReclaimPolicy
pods - - [get list watch update delete] 控制的访问Pod resource
nodes - - [get list watch] Read node labels and set store labels for TiKV and TiFlash accordingly - - [get list watch] Verify whether StorageClass supportsVolumeExpansionbefore expanding PVC storage
- [/metrics] - [get] Read monitoring metrics

tidb-schedulerClusterRole permissions

The following table lists the permissions corresponding to thetidb-schedulerClusterRole.

Resource Non-resource URLs 资源名称 Action Explanation - - [create] Create lease resource locks for leader election
endpoints - - [delete get patch update] 控制的访问Endpoints resource
persistentvolumeclaims - - [get list update] Read PVC information of PD/TiKV and update the scheduling information to the PVC label
configmaps - - [get list watch] Read the ConfigMap resource
pods - - [get list watch] Read Pod information
nodes - - [get list] Read node information - [tidb-scheduler] [get update] Read and update lease resource locks for leader election - - [get] Read Tidbcluster information

Manage TiDB clusters at the namespace level

IfclusterScoped=falseis set during the TiDB Operator deployment, TiDB Operator manages TiDB clusters at the Namespace level.

  • To check the ClusterRole created for TiDB Operator, run the following command:

    kubectl get clusterrole | grep tidb

    The output is as follows:

    tidb-operator:tidb-controller-manager 2021-05-04T13:08:55Z

    tidb-operator:tidb-controller-manageris the ClusterRole created for thetidb-controller-managerPod.

  • To check the roles created for TiDB Operator, run the following command:

    kubectl get role -n tidb-admin

    The example output is as follows:

    tidb-admin tidb-operator:tidb-controller-manager 2021-05-04T13:08:55Z tidb-admin tidb-operator:tidb-scheduler 2021-05-04T13:08:55Z

    In the output:

    • tidb-operator:tidb-controller-manageris the role created for thetidb-controller-managerPod.
    • tidb-operator:tidb-scheduleris the role created for thetidb-schedulerPod.

tidb-controller-managerClusterRole permissions

The following table lists the permissions corresponding to thetidb-controller-managerClusterRole.

Resource Non-resource URLs 资源名称 Action Explanation
persistentvolumes - - [get list watch patch update] Perform operations such as adding labels related to cluster information for PV and modifyingpersistentVolumeReclaimPolicy
nodes - - [get list watch] Read node Labels and set store Labels for TiKV and TiFlash accordingly - - [get list watch] Verify whether StorageClass supportsVolumeExpansionbefore expanding PVC storage

tidb-controller-managerRole permissions

The following table lists the permissions corresponding to thetidb-controller-managerRole.

Resource Non-resource URLs 资源名称 Action Explanation
events - - [*] Export event information
services - - [*] 控制的访问service resources - - [*] 控制的访问StatefulSet resource whenAdvancedStatefulSet=true. For more information, seeAdvanced StatefulSet Controller. - - [*] 控制的访问StatefulSet resource whenAdvancedStatefulSet=true. For more information, seeAdvanced StatefulSet Controller.
controllerrevisions.apps - - [*] Control the version of Kubernetes StatefulSet/Daemonset
deployments.apps - - [*] 控制的访问Deployment resource
statefulsets.apps - - [*] 控制的访问Statefulset resource
ingresses.extensions - - [*] 控制的访问Ingress resource for the monitoring system
* - - [*] Control the access of all customized resources under
configmaps - - [create get list watch update delete] 控制的访问ConfigMap resource
endpoints - - [create get list watch update delete] 控制的访问Endpoints resource
serviceaccounts - - [create get update delete] Create ServiceAccount for the TidbMonitor/Discovery service - - [create get update delete] 创建ClusterRoleBinding for the TidbMonitor service
secrets - - [create update get list watch delete] 控制的访问Secret resource - - [escalate create get update delete] Create Role for the TidbMonitor/Discovery service
persistentvolumeclaims - - [get list watch create update delete patch] 控制的访问PVC resource
jobs.batch - - [get list watch create update delete] Use jobs to perform TiDB cluster initialization, backup, and restore operations
pods - - [get list watch update delete] 控制的访问Pod resource

tidb-schedulerRole permissions

The following table lists the permissions corresponding to thetidb-schedulerRole.

Resource Non-resource URLs 资源名称 Action Explanation - - [create] Create lease resource locks for leader election
endpoints - - [delete get patch update] 控制的访问Endpoints resource
persistentvolumeclaims - - [get list update] Read PVC information of PD/TiKV and update the scheduling information to the PVC label
configmaps - - [get list watch] Read the ConfigMap resource
pods - - [get list watch] Read pod information
nodes - - [get list] Read node information - [tidb-scheduler] [get update] Read and update lease resource locks for leader election - - [get] Read Tidbcluster information
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