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Deploy TiDB on AWS EKS

This document describes how to deploy a TiDB cluster on AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).

To deploy TiDB Operator and the TiDB cluster in a self-managed Kubernetes environment, refer toDeploy TiDB OperatorandDeploy TiDB on General Kubernetes


Before deploying a TiDB cluster on AWS EKS, make sure the following requirements are satisfied:

  • InstallHelm 3: used for deploying TiDB Operator.

  • Complete all operations inGetting started with eksctl

    This guide includes the following contents:

    • Install and configureawscli
    • Install and configureeksctlused for creating Kubernetes clusters.
    • Installkubectl

To verify whether AWS CLI is configured correctly, run theaws configure listcommand. If the output shows the values foraccess_keyandsecret_key, AWS CLI is configured correctly. Otherwise, you need to re-configure AWS CLI.

  • Instance types: to gain better performance, the following is recommended:
    • PD nodes:c5.xlarge
    • TiDB nodes:c5.4xlarge
    • TiKV or TiFlash nodes:m5.4xlarge
  • Storage: Because AWS supports theEBSgp3volume type, it is recommended to use EBSgp3.Forgp3provisioning, the following is recommended:
    • TiKV: 400 MiB/s, 4000 IOPS
    • TiFlash: 625 MiB/s, 6000 IOPS
  • AMI type: Amazon Linux 2

Create an EKS cluster and a node pool

According to AWSOfficial Blogrecommendation and EKSBest Practice Document, since most of the TiDB cluster components use EBS volumes as storage, it is recommended to create a node pool in each availability zone (at least 3 in total) for each component when creating an EKS.

Save the following configuration as thecluster.yamlfile. Replace${clusterName}with your desired cluster name. The cluster and node group names should match the regular expression[a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9]*, so avoid names that contain_

apiVersion: kind: ClusterConfig metadata: name: ${clusterName} region: ap-northeast-1 nodeGroups: - name: admin desiredCapacity: 1 privateNetworking: true labels: dedicated: admin - name: tidb-1a desiredCapacity: 1 privateNetworking: true availabilityZones:["ap-northeast-1a"]instanceType: c5.2xlarge labels: dedicated: tidb taints: dedicated: tidb:NoSchedule - name: tidb-1d desiredCapacity: 0 privateNetworking: true availabilityZones:["ap-northeast-1d"]instanceType: c5.2xlarge labels: dedicated: tidb taints: dedicated: tidb:NoSchedule - name: tidb-1c desiredCapacity: 1 privateNetworking: true availabilityZones:["ap-northeast-1c"]instanceType: c5.2xlarge labels: dedicated: tidb taints: dedicated: tidb:NoSchedule - name: pd-1a desiredCapacity: 1 privateNetworking: true availabilityZones:["ap-northeast-1a"]instanceType: c5.xlarge labels: dedicated: pd taints: dedicated: pd:NoSchedule - name: pd-1d desiredCapacity: 1 privateNetworking: true availabilityZones:["ap-northeast-1d"]instanceType: c5.xlarge labels: dedicated: pd taints: dedicated: pd:NoSchedule - name: pd-1c desiredCapacity: 1 privateNetworking: true availabilityZones:["ap-northeast-1c"]instanceType: c5.xlarge labels: dedicated: pd taints: dedicated: pd:NoSchedule - name: tikv-1a desiredCapacity: 1 privateNetworking: true availabilityZones:["ap-northeast-1a"]instanceType: r5b.2xlarge labels: dedicated: tikv taints: dedicated: tikv:NoSchedule - name: tikv-1d desiredCapacity: 1 privateNetworking: true availabilityZones:["ap-northeast-1d"]instanceType: r5b.2xlarge labels: dedicated: tikv taints: dedicated: tikv:NoSchedule - name: tikv-1c desiredCapacity: 1 privateNetworking: true availabilityZones:["ap-northeast-1c"]instanceType: r5b.2xlarge labels: dedicated: tikv taints: dedicated: tikv:NoSchedule

By default, only two TiDB nodes are required, so you can set thedesiredCapacityof thetidb-1dnode group to0.You can scale out this node group any time if necessary.

Execute the following command to create the cluster:

eksctl create cluster -f cluster.yaml

执行上面的命令后,您需要围t until the EKS cluster is successfully created and the node group is created and added in the EKS cluster. This process might take 5 to 20 minutes. For more cluster configuration, refer toeksctldocumentation

Configure StorageClass

This section describes how to configure the storage class for different storage types. These storage types are:

  • The defaultgp2storage type after creating the EKS cluster.
  • Thegp3storage type (recommended) or other EBS storage types.
  • The local storage used for testing bare-metal performance.



Starting from EKS Kubernetes 1.23, you need to deploy the EBS CSI driver before using the default gp2 storage class. For details, refer tothe notice for Amazon EKS Kubernetes 1.23

After you create an EKS cluster, the default StorageClass isgp2.To improve I/O write performance, it is recommended to configurenodelallocandnoatimein themountOptionsfield of theStorageClassresource.

kind: StorageClass apiVersion: # ... mountOptions: - nodelalloc,noatime

For more information on the mount options, seeTiDB Environment and System Configuration Check

If you do not want to use the defaultgp2storage type, you can create StorageClass for other storage types. For example, you can use thegp3(recommended) orio1storage type.

The following example shows how to create and configure a StorageClass for thegp3storage type:

  1. Deploy theAWS EBS Container Storage Interface (CSI) driveron the EKS cluster. If you are using a storage type other thangp3, skip this step.

  2. Set ebs-csi-nodetoleration

    kubectl patch -n kube-system ds ebs-csi-node -p'{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"tolerations":[{"operator":"Exists"}]}}}}'

    Expected output:

    daemonset.apps/ebs-csi-node patched
  3. Create aStorageClassresource. In the resource definition, specify your desired storage type in theparameters.typefield.

    kind: StorageClass apiVersion: metadata: name: gp3 provisioner: allowVolumeExpansion: true volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer parameters: type: gp3 fsType: ext4 iops: "4000" throughput: "400" mountOptions: - nodelalloc,noatime
  4. In the TidbCluster YAML file, configuregp3in thestorageClassNamefield. For example:

    spec: tikv: ... storageClassName: gp3
  5. To improve I/O write performance, it is recommended to configurenodelallocandnoatimein themountOptionsfield of theStorageClassresource.

    kind: StorageClass apiVersion: # ... mountOptions: - nodelalloc,noatime

    For more information on the mount options, seeTiDB Environment and System Configuration Check

For more information on the EBS storage types and configuration, refer toAmazon EBS volume typesandStorage Classes

Configure local storage

Local storage is used for testing bare-metal performance. For higher IOPS and lower latency, you can chooseNVMe SSD卷offered by some AWS instances for the TiKV node pool. However, for the production environment, use AWS EBS as your storage type.

For instance types that provide NVMe SSD volumes, check outAmazon EC2 Instance Types

The followingc5d.4xlargeexample shows how to configure StorageClass for the local storage:

  1. Create a node group with local storage for TiKV.

    1. In theeksctlconfiguration file, modify the instance type of the TiKV node group toc5d.4xlarge:

      - name: tikv-1a desiredCapacity: 1 privateNetworking: true availabilityZones:["ap-northeast-1a"]instanceType: c5d.4xlarge labels: dedicated: tikv taints: dedicated: tikv:NoSchedule ...
    2. Create a node group with local storage:

      eksctl create nodegroups -f cluster.yaml

    If the TiKV node group already exists, to avoid name conflict, you can take either of the following actions:

    • Delete the old group and create a new one.
    • Change the group name.
  2. Deploy local volume provisioner.

    1. To conveniently discover and manage local storage volumes, installlocal-volume-provisioner

    2. Mount the local storageto the/mnt/ssddirectory.

    3. According to the mounting configuration, modify thelocal-volume-provisioner.yamlfile.

    4. Deploy and create alocal-storagestorage class using the modifiedlocal-volume-provisioner.yamlfile.

      kubectl apply -f
  3. Use the local storage.

    After you complete the previous step, local-volume-provisioner can discover all the local NVMe SSD volumes in the cluster.

After local-volume-provisioner discovers the local volumes, when youDeploy a TiDB cluster and the monitoring component, you need to add thetikv.storageClassNamefield totidb-cluster.yamland set the field value tolocal-storage

Deploy TiDB Operator

To deploy TiDB Operator in the EKS cluster, refer to theDeploy TiDB Operatorsectionin Getting Started.

Deploy a TiDB cluster and the monitoring component

This section describes how to deploy a TiDB cluster and its monitoring component in AWS EKS.

Create namespace

To create a namespace to deploy the TiDB cluster, run the following command:

kubectl create namespace tidb-cluster


First, download the sampleTidbClusterandTidbMonitorconfiguration files:

curl -O && \ curl -O && \ curl -O

Refer toconfigure the TiDB clusterto further customize and configure the CR before applying.

To deploy theTidbClusterandTidbMonitorCR in the EKS cluster, run the following command:

kubectl apply -f tidb-cluster.yaml -n tidb-cluster && \ kubectl apply -f tidb-monitor.yaml -n tidb-cluster

After the YAML file above is applied to the Kubernetes cluster, TiDB Operator creates the desired TiDB cluster and its monitoring component according to the YAML file.

View the cluster status

To view the status of the starting TiDB cluster, run the following command:

kubectl get pods -n tidb-cluster

When all the Pods are in theRunningorReadystate, the TiDB cluster is successfully started. For example:

NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE tidb-discovery-5cb8474d89-n8cxk 1/1 Running 0 47h tidb-monitor-6fbcc68669-dsjlc 3/3 Running 0 47h tidb-pd-0 1/1 Running 0 47h tidb-pd-1 1/1 Running 0 46h tidb-pd-2 1/1 Running 0 46h tidb-tidb-0 2/2 Running 0 47h tidb-tidb-1 2/2 Running 0 46h tidb-tikv-0 1/1 Running 0 47h tidb-tikv-1 1/1 Running 0 47h tidb-tikv-2 1/1 Running 0 47h

Access the database

After you have deployed a TiDB cluster, you can access the TiDB database to test or develop your application.

Prepare a bastion host

The LoadBalancer created for your TiDB cluster is an intranet LoadBalancer. You can create abastion hostin the cluster VPC to access the database. To create a bastion host on AWS console, refer toAWS documentation

Select the cluster's VPC and Subnet, and verify whether the cluster name is correct in the dropdown box. You can view the cluster's VPC and Subnet by running the following command:

eksctl get cluster -n${clusterName}

Allow the bastion host to access the Internet. Select the correct key pair so that you can log in to the host via SSH.

Install the MySQL client and connect

After the bastion host is created, you can connect to the bastion host via SSH and access the TiDB cluster via the MySQL client.

  1. Log in to the bastion host via SSH:

    ssh [-i /path/to/your/private-key.pem] ec2-user@
  2. Install the MySQL client on the bastion host:

    sudo yum install mysql -y
  3. Connect the client to the TiDB cluster:

    mysql --comments -h${tidb-nlb-dnsname}-P 4000 -u root

    ${tidb-nlb-dnsname}is the LoadBalancer domain name of the TiDB service. You can view the domain name in theEXTERNAL-IPfield by executingkubectl get svc basic-tidb -n tidb-cluster

    For example:

    $ mysql --comments -h -P 4000 -u root Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connectionidis 1189 Server version: 5.7.25-TiDB-v7.1.1 TiDB Server (Apache License 2.0) Community Edition, MySQL 5.7 compatible Copyright (c) 2000, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Type'help;'or'\h' for help.Type'\c'to clear the current input statement. MySQL [(none)]> show status; +--------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Variable_name | Value | +--------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Ssl_cipher | | | Ssl_cipher_list | | | Ssl_verify_mode | 0 | | Ssl_version | | | ddl_schema_version | 22 | | server_id | ed4ba88b-436a-424d-9087-977e897cf5ec | +--------------------+--------------------------------------+ 6 rowsin set(0.00 sec)

Access the Grafana monitoring dashboard

Obtain the LoadBalancer domain name of Grafana:

kubectl -n tidb-cluster get svc basic-grafana

For example:

$ kubectl get svc basic-grafana NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE basic-grafana LoadBalancer 3000:30761/TCP 121m

In the output above, theEXTERNAL-IPcolumn is the LoadBalancer domain name.

You can access the${grafana-lb}:3000address using your web browser to view monitoring metrics. Replace${grafana-lb}with the LoadBalancer domain name.

Access the TiDB Dashboard

SeeAccess TiDB Dashboardfor instructions about how to securely allow access to the TiDB Dashboard.


To upgrade the TiDB cluster, execute the following command:

kubectl patch tc basic -n tidb-cluster --typemerge -p'{"spec":{"version":"${version}"}}`.

The upgrade process does not finish immediately. You can watch the upgrade progress by executingkubectl get pods -n tidb-cluster --watch

Scale out

Before scaling out the cluster, you need to scale out the corresponding node group so that the new instances have enough resources for operation.

This section describes how to scale out the EKS node group and TiDB components.

Scale out EKS node group

When scaling out TiKV, the node groups must be scaled out evenly among the different availability zones. The following example shows how to scale out thetikv-1a,tikv-1c, andtikv-1dgroups of the${clusterName}cluster to 2 nodes:

eksctl scale nodegroup --cluster${clusterName}--name tikv-1a --nodes 2 --nodes-min 2 --nodes-max 2 eksctl scale nodegroup --cluster${clusterName}--name tikv-1c --nodes 2 --nodes-min 2 --nodes-max 2 eksctl scale nodegroup --cluster${clusterName}--name tikv-1d --nodes 2 --nodes-min 2 --nodes-max 2

For more information on managing node groups, refer toeksctldocumentation

Scale out TiDB components

After scaling out the EKS node group, executekubectl edit tc basic -n tidb-cluster, and modify each component'sreplicasto the desired number of replicas. The scaling-out process is then completed.

Deploy TiFlash/TiCDC

TiFlashis the columnar storage extension of TiKV.

TiCDCis a tool for replicating the incremental data of TiDB by pulling TiKV change logs.

The two components arenot requiredin the deployment. This section shows a quick start example.

Add node groups

In the configuration file of eksctl (cluster.yaml), add the following two items to add a node group for TiFlash/TiCDC respectively.desiredCapacityis the number of nodes you desire.

- name: tiflash-1a desiredCapacity: 1 privateNetworking: true availabilityZones:["ap-northeast-1a"]labels: dedicated: tiflash taints: dedicated: tiflash:NoSchedule - name: tiflash-1d desiredCapacity: 1 privateNetworking: true availabilityZones:["ap-northeast-1d"]labels: dedicated: tiflash taints: dedicated: tiflash:NoSchedule - name: tiflash-1c desiredCapacity: 1 privateNetworking: true availabilityZones:["ap-northeast-1c"]labels: dedicated: tiflash taints: dedicated: tiflash:NoSchedule - name: ticdc-1a desiredCapacity: 1 privateNetworking: true availabilityZones:["ap-northeast-1a"]labels: dedicated: ticdc taints: dedicated: ticdc:NoSchedule - name: ticdc-1d desiredCapacity: 1 privateNetworking: true availabilityZones:["ap-northeast-1d"]labels: dedicated: ticdc taints: dedicated: ticdc:NoSchedule - name: ticdc-1c desiredCapacity: 1 privateNetworking: true availabilityZones:["ap-northeast-1c"]labels: dedicated: ticdc taints: dedicated: ticdc:NoSchedule

Depending on the EKS cluster status, use different commands:

  • 如果没有创建集群,交货ecuteeksctl create cluster -f cluster.yamlto create the cluster and node groups.
  • If the cluster is already created, executeeksctl create nodegroup -f cluster.yamlto create the node groups. The existing node groups are ignored and will not be created again.

Configure and deploy

  • To deploy TiFlash, configurespec.tiflashintidb-cluster.yaml:

    spec: ... tiflash: baseImage: pingcap/tiflash maxFailoverCount: 0 replicas: 1 storageClaims: - resources: requests: storage: 100Gi tolerations: - effect: NoSchedule key: dedicated operator: Equal value: tiflash

    For other parameters, refer toConfigure a TiDB Cluster

  • To deploy TiCDC, configurespec.ticdcintidb-cluster.yaml:

    spec: ... ticdc: baseImage: pingcap/ticdc replicas: 1 tolerations: - effect: NoSchedule key: dedicated operator: Equal value: ticdc

    Modifyreplicasaccording to your needs.

Finally, executekubectl -n tidb-cluster apply -f tidb-cluster.yamlto update the TiDB cluster configuration.

For detailed CR configuration, refer toAPI referencesandConfigure a TiDB Cluster

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