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Configure a TiDB Cluster on Kubernetes

This document introduces how to configure a TiDB cluster for production deployment. It covers the following content:

Configure resources

Before deploying a TiDB cluster, it is necessary to configure the resources for each component of the cluster depending on your needs. PD, TiKV, and TiDB are the core service components of a TiDB cluster. In a production environment, you need to configure resources of these components according to their needs. For details, refer toHardware Recommendations.

To ensure the proper scheduling and stable operation of the components of the TiDB cluster on Kubernetes, it is recommended to set Guaranteed-level quality of service (QoS) by makinglimitsequal torequestswhen configuring resources. For details, refer toConfigure Quality of Service for Pods.

If you are using a NUMA-based CPU, you need to enableStatic's CPU management policy on the node for better performance. In order to allow the TiDB cluster component to monopolize the corresponding CPU resources, the CPU quota must be an integer greater than or equal to1, apart from setting Guaranteed-level QoS as mentioned above. For details, refer toControl CPU Management Policies on the Node.

Configure TiDB deployment

To configure a TiDB deployment, you need to configure theTiDBClusterCR. Refer to theTidbCluster examplefor an example. For the complete configurations ofTiDBClusterCR, refer toAPI documentation.

Cluster name

The cluster name can be configured by changingmetadata.namein theTiDBCusterCR.


Usually, components in a cluster are in the same version. It is recommended to configurespec..baseImageandspec.version, if you need to configure different versions for different components, you can configurespec..version.

Here are the formats of the parameters:

  • spec.version: the format isimageTag, such asv7.1.0

  • spec..baseImage: the format isimageName, such aspingcap/tidb

  • spec..version: the format isimageTag, such asv7.1.0


The default value of thespec.configUpdateStrategyfield isInPlace, which means that when you modifyconfigof a component, you need to manually trigger a rolling update to apply the new configurations to the cluster.

It is recommended that you configurespec.configUpdateStrategy: RollingUpdateto enable automatic update of configurations. In this way, every time theconfigof a component is updated, TiDB Operator automatically triggers a rolling update for the component and applies the modified configuration to the cluster.


It is recommended that you configurespec.enableDynamicConfiguration: trueto enable the--advertise-status-addrstartup parameter for TiKV.

Versions required:

  • TiDB 4.0.1 or later versions


It is recommended that you configurespec.pvReclaimPolicy: Retainto ensure that the PV is retained even if the PVC is deleted. This is to ensure your data safety.


PD and TiKV supports configuringmountClusterClientSecret. IfTLS is enabled between cluster components, it is recommended to configurespec.pd.mountClusterClientSecret: trueandspec.tikv.mountClusterClientSecret: true. Under such configuration, TiDB Operator automatically mounts the${cluster_name}-cluster-client-secretcertificate to the PD and TiKV container, so you can convenientlyusepd-ctlandtikv-ctl.


To choose the different versions of the startup scripts for each component, you can configure thespec.startScriptVersionfield in the cluster spec.

The supported versions of the start script are as follows:

  • v1(default): the original version of the startup script.

  • v2: to optimize the start script for each component and make sure that upgrading TiDB Operator does not result in cluster rolling restart, TiDB Operator v1.4.0 introducesv2. Compared tov1,v2有the following optimizations:

    • Usediginstead ofnslookupto resolve DNS.
    • All components supportdebug mode.

It is recommended that you configurespec.startScriptVersionas the latest version (v2) for the new cluster.


Storage Class

You can set the storage class by modifyingstorageClassNameof each component in${cluster_name}/tidb-cluster.yamland${cluster_name}/tidb-monitor.yaml. For thestorage classessupported by the Kubernetes cluster, check with your system administrator.

Different components of a TiDB cluster have different disk requirements. Before deploying a TiDB cluster, refer to theStorage Configuration documentto select an appropriate storage class for each component according to the storage classes supported by the current Kubernetes cluster and usage scenario.

Multiple disks mounting

TiDB Operator supports mounting multiple PVs for PD, TiDB, TiKV, and TiCDC, which can be used for data writing for different purposes.

You can configure thestorageVolumesfield for each component to describe multiple user-customized PVs.

The meanings of the related fields are as follows:

  • The name of the PV.
  • storageVolume.storageClassName: The StorageClass that the PV uses. If not configured,spec.pd/tidb/tikv/ticdc.storageClassNamewill be used.
  • storageVolume.storageSize: The storage size of the requested PV.
  • storageVolume.mountPath: The path of the container to mount the PV to.

For example:

  • TiKV
  • TiDB
  • PD
  • TiCDC

To mount multiple PVs for TiKV:

tikv: ... config: | [rocksdb] wal-dir = "/data_sbi/tikv/wal" [titan] dirname = "/data_sbj/titan/data" storageVolumes: - name: wal storageSize: "2Gi" mountPath: "/data_sbi/tikv/wal" - name: titan storageSize: "2Gi" mountPath: "/data_sbj/titan/data"

To mount multiple PVs for TiDB:

tidb: config: = |路径“/ tidb /数据”(日志。文件]= " / tidb文件名/log/tidb.log" storageVolumes: - name: data storageSize: "2Gi" mountPath: "/tidb/data" - name: log storageSize: "2Gi" mountPath: "/tidb/log"

To mount multiple PVs for PD:

pd: config: | data-dir = "/pd/data" [log.file] filename = "/pd/log/pd.log" storageVolumes: - name: data storageSize: "10Gi" mountPath: "/pd/data" - name: log storageSize: "10Gi" mountPath: "/pd/log"

To mount multiple PVs for TiCDC:

ticdc: ... config: dataDir: /ticdc/data logFile: /ticdc/log/cdc.log storageVolumes: - name: data storageSize: "10Gi" storageClassName: local-storage mountPath: "/ticdc/data" - name: log storageSize: "10Gi" storageClassName: local-storage mountPath: "/ticdc/log"


For PD, TiKV, TiDB, TiFlash, TiCDC, and Pump, you can configure the Pods to use the host namespaceHostNetwork.

To enableHostNetworkfor all supported components, configurespec.hostNetwork: true.

To enableHostNetworkfor specified components, configurehostNetwork: truefor the components.


为每个TiDB运营商开始发现服务TiDB cluster. The Discovery service can return the corresponding startup parameters for each PD Pod to support the startup of the PD cluster. You can configure resources of the Discovery service usingspec.discovery. For details, seeManaging Resources for Containers.

Aspec.discoveryconfiguration example is as follows:

spec: discovery: limits: cpu: "0.2" requests: cpu: "0.2" ...

Cluster topology


The deployed cluster topology by default has three PD Pods, three TiKV Pods, and two TiDB Pods. In this deployment topology, the scheduler extender of TiDB Operator requires at least three nodes in the Kubernetes cluster to provide high availability. You can modify thereplicasconfiguration to change the number of pods for each component.

Enable TiFlash

If you want to enable TiFlash in the cluster, configurespec.pd.config.replication.enable-placement-rules: trueand configurespec.tiflashin the${cluster_name}/tidb-cluster.yamlfile as follows:

pd: config: | ... [replication] enable-placement-rules = true tiflash: baseImage: pingcap/tiflash maxFailoverCount: 0 replicas: 1 storageClaims: - resources: requests: storage: 100Gi storageClassName: local-storage

TiFlash supports mounting multiple Persistent Volumes (PVs). If you want to configure multiple PVs for TiFlash, configure multipleresourcesintiflash.storageClaims, eachresourceswith a separatestorage requestandstorageClassName. For example:

tiflash: baseImage: pingcap/tiflash maxFailoverCount: 0 replicas: 1 storageClaims: - resources: requests: storage: 100Gi storageClassName: local-storage - resources: requests: storage: 100Gi storageClassName: local-storage

TiFlash mounts all PVs to directories such as/data0and/data1in the container in the order of configuration. TiFlash has four log files. The proxy log is printed in the standard output of the container. The other three logs are stored in the disk under the/data0directory by default, which are/data0/logs/flash_cluster_manager.log,/ data0/logs/error.log,/data0/logs/server.log. To modify the log storage path, refer toConfigure TiFlash parameters.

Enable TiCDC

If you want to enable TiCDC in the cluster, you can add TiCDC spec to theTiDBClusterCR. For example:

spec: ticdc: baseImage: pingcap/ticdc replicas: 3

Configure TiDB components

This section introduces how to configure the parameters of TiDB/TiKV/PD/TiFlash/TiCDC.

Configure TiDB parameters

TiDB parameters can be configured byspec.tidb.configin TidbCluster Custom Resource.

For example:

spec: tidb: config: | split-table = true oom-action = "log"

For all the configurable parameters of TiDB, refer toTiDB Configuration File.

Configure TiKV parameters

TiKV parameters can be configured byspec.tikv.configin TidbCluster Custom Resource.

For example:

spec: tikv: config: | [storage] [storage.block-cache] capacity = "16GB"

For all the configurable parameters of TiKV, refer toTiKV Configuration File.

Configure PD parameters

PD parameters can be configured byspec.pd.configin TidbCluster Custom Resource.

For example:

spec: pd: config: | lease = 3 enable-prevote = true

For all the configurable parameters of PD, refer toPD Configuration File.

Configure TiFlash parameters

TiFlash parameters can be configured byspec.tiflash.configin TidbCluster Custom Resource.

For example:

spec: tiflash: config: config: | [flash] [flash.flash_cluster] log = "/data0/logs/flash_cluster_manager.log" [logger] count = 10 level = "information" errorlog = "/data0/logs/error.log" log = "/data0/logs/server.log"

For all the configurable parameters of TiFlash, refer toTiFlash Configuration File.

Configure TiCDC start parameters

You can configure TiCDC start parameters throughspec.ticdc.configin TidbCluster Custom Resource.

For example:

For TiDB Operator v1.2.0-rc.2 and later versions, configure the parameters in the TOML format as follows:

spec: ticdc: config: | gc-ttl = 86400 log-level = "info"

For TiDB Operator versions earlier than v1.2.0-rc.2, configure the parameters in the YAML format as follows:

spec: ticdc: config: timezone: UTC gcTTL: 86400 logLevel: info

For all configurable start parameters of TiCDC, seeTiCDC configuration.

Configure automatic failover thresholds of PD, TiDB, TiKV, and TiFlash

Theautomatic failoverfeature is enabled by default in TiDB Operator. When the Pods of PD, TiDB, TiKV, TiFlash fail or the corresponding nodes fail, TiDB Operator performs failover automatically and replenish the number of Pod replicas by scaling the corresponding components.

To avoid that the automatic failover feature creates too many Pods, you can configure the threshold of the maximum number of Pods that TiDB Operator can create during failover for each component. The default threshold is3. If the threshold for a component is configured to0, it means that the automatic failover feature is disabled for this component. An example configuration is as follows:

pd: maxFailoverCount: 3 tidb: maxFailoverCount: 3 tikv: maxFailoverCount: 3 tiflash: maxFailoverCount: 3

Configure graceful upgrade for TiDB cluster

When you perform a rolling update to the TiDB cluster, Kubernetes sends aTERMsignal to the TiDB server before it stops the TiDB Pod. When the TiDB server receives theTERMsignal, it tries to wait for all connections to close. After 15 seconds, the TiDB server forcibly closes all the connections and exits the process.

You can enable this feature by configuring the following items:

  • spec.tidb.terminationGracePeriodSeconds: The longest tolerable duration to delete the old TiDB Pod during the rolling upgrade. If this duration is exceeded, the TiDB Pod will be deleted forcibly.
  • spec.tidb.lifecycle: Sets thepreStophook for the TiDB Pod, which is the operation executed before the TiDB server stops.

spec: tidb: terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 60 lifecycle: preStop: exec: command: - /bin/sh - -c - "sleep 10 && kill -QUIT 1"

The YAML file above:

  • Sets the longest tolerable duration to delete the TiDB Pod to 60 seconds. If the client does not close the connections after 60 seconds, these connections will be closed forcibly. You can adjust the value according to your needs.
  • Sets the value ofpreStophook tosleep 10 && kill -QUIT 1. HerePID 1refers to the PID of the TiDB server process in the TiDB Pod. When the TiDB server process receives the signal, it exits only after all the connections are closed by the client.

When Kubernetes deletes the TiDB Pod, it also removes the TiDB node from the service endpoints. This is to ensure that the new connection is not established to this TiDB node. However, because this process is asynchronous, you can make the system sleep for a few seconds before you send thekillsignal, which makes sure that the TiDB node is removed from the endpoints.

Configure graceful upgrade for TiKV cluster

During TiKV upgrade, TiDB Operator evicts all Region leaders from TiKV Pod before restarting TiKV Pod. Only after the eviction is completed (which means the number of Region leaders on TiKV Pod drops to 0) or the eviction exceeds the specified timeout (1500 minutes by default), TiKV Pod is restarted. If TiKV has fewer than 2 replicas, TiDB Operator forces an upgrade without waiting for the timeout.

If the eviction of Region leaders exceeds the specified timeout, restarting TiKV Pod causes issues such as failures of some requests or more latency. To avoid the issues, you can configure the timeoutspec.tikv.evictLeaderTimeout(1500 minutes by default) to a larger value. For example:

spec: tikv: evictLeaderTimeout: 10000m

Configure graceful upgrade for TiCDC cluster

During TiCDC upgrade, TiDB Operator drains all replication workloads from TiCDC Pod before restarting TiCDC Pod. Only after the draining is completed or the draining exceeds the specified timeout (10 minutes by default), TiCDC Pod is restarted. If TiCDC has fewer than 2 instances, TiDB Operator forces an upgrade without waiting for the timeout.

If the draining exceeds the specified timeout, restarting TiCDC Pod causes issues such as more replication latency. To avoid the issues, you can configure the timeoutspec.ticdc.gracefulShutdownTimeout(10 minutes by default) to a larger value. For example:

spec: ticdc: gracefulShutdownTimeout: 100m

Configure PV for TiDB slow logs

By default, TiDB Operator creates aslowlogvolume (which is anEmptyDir) to store the slow logs, mounts theslowlogvolume to/var/log/tidb, and prints slow logs in thestdoutthrough a sidecar container.

If you want to use a separate PV to store the slow logs, you can specify the name of the PV inspec.tidb.slowLogVolumeName, and then configure the PV inspec.tidb.storageVolumesorspec.tidb.additionalVolumes.

This section shows how to configure PV usingspec.tidb.storageVolumesorspec.tidb.additionalVolumes.

Configure usingspec.tidb.storageVolumes

Configure theTidbClusterCR as the following example. In the example, TiDB Operator uses the${volumeName}PV to store slow logs. The log file path is${mountPath}/${volumeName}.

For how to configure thespec.tidb.storageVolumesfield, refer toMultiple disks mounting.

tidb: ... separateSlowLog: true # can be ignored slowLogVolumeName: ${volumeName} storageVolumes: # name must be consistent with slowLogVolumeName - name: ${volumeName} storageClassName: ${storageClass} storageSize: "1Gi" mountPath: ${mountPath}

Configure usingspec.tidb.additionalVolumes

In the following example, NFS is used as the storage, and TiDB Operator uses the${volumeName}PV to store slow logs. The log file path is${mountPath}/${volumeName}.

For the supported PV types, refer toPersistent Volumes.

tidb: ... separateSlowLog: true # can be ignored slowLogVolumeName: ${volumeName} additionalVolumes: # name must be consistent with slowLogVolumeName - name: ${volumeName} nfs: server: 192.168 .0 .2 path: /nfs additionalVolumeMounts: # name must be consistent with slowLogVolumeName - name: ${volumeName} mountPath: ${mountPath}

Configure TiDB service

您需要配置spec.tidb.serviceso that TiDB Operator creates a service for TiDB. You can configure Service with different types according to the scenarios, such asClusterIP,NodePort,LoadBalancer, and so on.

General configurations

Different types of services share some general configurations as follows:

  • spec.tidb.service.annotations: the annotation added to the Service resource.
  • spec.tidb.service.labels: the labels added to the Service resource.


ClusterIPexposes services through the internal IP of the cluster. When selecting this type of service, you can only access it within the cluster using ClusterIP or the Service domain name (${cluster_name}-tidb.${namespace}).

spec: ... tidb: service: type: ClusterIP


If there is no LoadBalancer, you can choose to expose the service through NodePort. NodePort exposes services through the node's IP and static port. You can access a NodePort service from outside of the cluster by requestingNodeIP + NodePort.

spec: ... tidb: service: type: NodePort # externalTrafficPolicy: Local

NodePort has two modes:

  • externalTrafficPolicy=Cluster: All machines in the cluster allocate a NodePort port to TiDB, which is the default value.

    When using theClustermode, you can access the TiDB service through the IP and NodePort of any machine. If there is no TiDB Pod on the machine, the corresponding request will be forwarded to the machine with TiDB Pod.

  • externalTrafficPolicy=Local: Only the machine that TiDB is running on allocates a NodePort port to access the local TiDB instance.


If the TiDB cluster runs in an environment with LoadBalancer, such as on Google Cloud or AWS, it is recommended to use the LoadBalancer feature of these cloud platforms by settingtidb.service.type=LoadBalancer.

spec: ... tidb: service: annotations: "Internal" externalTrafficPolicy: Local type: LoadBalancer

SeeKubernetes Service Documentationto know more about the features of Service and what LoadBalancer in the cloud platform supports.

IPv6 Support

Starting v6.5.1, TiDB supports using IPv6 addresses for all network connections. If you deploy TiDB using TiDB Operator v1.4.3 or later versions, you can enable the TiDB cluster to listen on IPv6 addresses by configuringspec.preferIPv6totrue.

spec: preferIPv6: true # ...

Configure high availability

TiDB分布式database and its high availability must ensure that when any physical topology node fails, not only the service is unaffected, but also the data is complete and available. The two configurations of high availability are described separately as follows.

High availability of TiDB service

Use nodeSelector to schedule Pods

By configuring thenodeSelectorfield of each component, you can specify the specific nodes that the component Pods are scheduled onto. For details onnodeSelector, refer tonodeSelector.

apiVersion: kind: TidbCluster # ... spec: pd: nodeSelector: true # ... tikv: nodeSelector: true # ... tidb: nodeSelector: true # ...

Use tolerations to schedule Pods

By configuring thetolerationsfield of each component, you can allow the component Pods to schedule onto nodes with matchingtaints. For details on taints and tolerations, refer toTaints and Tolerations.

apiVersion: kind: TidbCluster # ... spec: pd: tolerations: - effect: NoSchedule key: dedicated operator: Equal value: pd # ... tikv: tolerations: - effect: NoSchedule key: dedicated operator: Equal value: tikv # ... tidb: tolerations: - effect: NoSchedule key: dedicated operator: Equal value: tidb # ...

Use affinity to schedule Pods

By configuringPodAntiAffinity, you can avoid the situation in which different instances of the same component are deployed on the same physical topology node. In this way, disaster recovery (high availability) is achieved. For the user guide of Affinity, seeAffinity & AntiAffinity.

The following is an example of a typical service high availability setup:

affinity: podAntiAffinity: preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: # this term works when the nodes have the label named region - weight: 10 podAffinityTerm: labelSelector: matchLabels: ${cluster_name} "pd" topologyKey: "region" namespaces: - ${namespace} # this term works when the nodes have the label named zone - weight: 20 podAffinityTerm: labelSelector: matchLabels: ${cluster_name} "pd" topologyKey: "zone" namespaces: - ${namespace} # this term works when the nodes have the label named rack - weight: 40 podAffinityTerm: labelSelector: matchLabels: ${cluster_name} "pd" topologyKey: "rack" namespaces: - ${namespace} # this term works when the nodes have the label named - weight: 80 podAffinityTerm: labelSelector: matchLabels: ${cluster_name} "pd" topologyKey: "" namespaces: - ${namespace}

Use topologySpreadConstraints to make pods evenly spread

By configuringtopologySpreadConstraints, you can make pods evenly spread in different topologies. For instructions about configuringtopologySpreadConstraints, seePod Topology Spread Constraints.

To usetopologySpreadConstraints, you must meet the following conditions:

  • Your Kubernetes cluster usesdefault-schedulerinstead oftidb-scheduler. For details, refer totidb-scheduler and default-scheduler.
  • Your Kubernetes cluster enables theEvenPodsSpreadfeature gate if your Kubernetes version is between v1.16 and v1.21. If the Kubernetes version is earlier than v1.16 or if theEvenPodsSpreadfeature gate is disabled, the configuration oftopologySpreadConstraintsdoes not take effect. If the Kubernetes version is v1.22 and above, you can ignore this condition.

You can either configuretopologySpreadConstraintsat a cluster level (spec.topologySpreadConstraints) for all components or at a component level (such asspec.tidb.topologySpreadConstraints) for specific components.

The following is an example configuration:

topologySpreadConstraints: - topologyKey: - topologyKey:

The example configuration can make pods of the same component evenly spread on different zones and nodes.

Currently,topologySpreadConstraintsonly supports the configuration of thetopologyKeyfield. In the pod spec, the above example configuration will be automatically expanded as follows:

topologySpreadConstraints: - topologyKey: maxSkew: 1 whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule labelSelector: - topologyKey: maxSkew: 1 whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule labelSelector:

High availability of data

Before configuring the high availability of data, readInformation Configuration of the Cluster Typologywhich describes how high availability of TiDB cluster is implemented.

To add the data high availability feature on Kubernetes:

  • Set the label collection of topological location for PD.

    Replace thelocation-labelsinformation in thepd.configwith the label collection that describes the topological location on the nodes in the Kubernetes cluster.

  • Set the topological information of the Node where the TiKV node is located.

    TiDB Operator automatically obtains the topological information of the Node for TiKV and calls the PD interface to set this information as the information of TiKV's store labels. Based on this topological information, the TiDB cluster schedules the replicas of the data.

    If the Node of the current Kubernetes cluster does not have a label indicating the topological location, or if the existing label name of topology contains/, you can manually add a label to the Node by running the following command:

    kubectl label node${node_name}region=${region_name}zone=${zone_name}rack=${rack_name}${host_name}

    In the command above,region,zone,rack, just examples. The name and number of the label to be added can be arbitrarily defined, as long as it conforms to the specification and is consistent with the labels set bylocation-labelsinpd.config.

  • Set the topological information of the Node where the TiDB node is located.

    Since TiDB Operator v1.4.0, if the deployed TiDB version >= v6.3.0, TiDB Operator automatically obtains the topological information of the Node for TiDB and calls the corresponding interface of the TiDB server to set this information as TiDB's labels. Based on these labels, TiDB sends theFollower Readrequests to the correct replicas.

    Currently, TiDB Operator automatically sets the labels for the TiDB server corresponding to thelocation-labelsinpd.config. TiDB depends on thezonelabel to support some features of Follower Read. TiDB Operator obtains the value ofzone,, aszone. TiDB Operator only sets labels of the node where the TiDB server is located and ignores other labels.

Since v1.4.0, when setting labels for TiKV and TiDB nodes, TiDB Operator supports setting shortened aliases for some labels provided by Kubernetes by default. In some scenarios, using aliases can help optimize the scheduling performance of PD. When you use TiDB Operator to set aliases for thelocation-labelsPD,如果没有相应的标签node, then TiDB Operator uses the original labels automatically.

Currently, TiDB Operator supports the following label aliases:

  • region: corresponds
  • zone: corresponds
  • host: corresponds

For example, if labels such asregion,zone, andhostare not set on each node of Kubernetes, setting thelocation-labelsof PD as["", "", ""]is the same as["region", "zone", "host"].

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