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TiDB on Kubernetes Sysbench Performance Test

Since the release ofTiDB Operator GA, more users begin to deploy and manage the TiDB cluster on Kubernetes using TiDB Operator. In this report, an in-depth and comprehensive test of TiDB has been conducted on GKE, which offers insight into the influencing factors that affect the performance of TiDB on Kubernetes.

Test purpose

  • To test the performance of TiDB on a typical public cloud platform
  • To test the influences that the public cloud platform, network, CPU and different Pod networks have on the performance of TiDB

Test environment

Version and configuration

In this test:

  • TiDB 3.0.1 and TiDB Operator 1.0.0 are used.
  • Three instances are deployed for PD, TiDB, and TiKV respectively.
  • Each component is configured as below. Components not configured use the default values.


[log] level=“信息” [replication] location-labels= ["region","zone","rack","host"]


[log] level="error" [prepared-plan-cache] enabled=true [tikv-client] max-batch-wait-time=2000000


log-level="error" [server] status-addr="" grpc-concurrency=6 [] normal-concurrency=10 [rocksdb.defaultcf] block-cache-size="14GB" [rocksdb.writecf] block-cache-size="8GB" [rocksdb.lockcf] block-cache-size="1GB" [raftstore] apply-pool-size=3 store-pool-size=3

TiDB parameter configuration

set global tidb_hashagg_final_concurrency=1; set global tidb_hashagg_partial_concurrency=1; set global tidb_disable_txn_auto_retry=0;

Hardware recommendations

Machine types

For the test in single AZ (Available Zone), the following machine types are chosen:

Component 实例类型 Count
PD n1-standard-4 3
TiKV c2-standard-16 3
TiDB c2-standard-16 3
Sysbench c2-standard-30 1

对于测试导致multipl (2019.08)e AZs is compared with that in a single AZ, the c2 machine is not simultaneously available in three AZs within the same Google Cloud region, so the following machine types are chosen:

Component 实例类型 Count
PD n1-standard-4 3
TiKV n1-standard-16 3
TiDB n1-standard-16 3
Sysbench n1-standard-16 3

Sysbench, the pressure test platform, has a high demand on CPU in the high concurrency read test. Therefore, it is recommended that you use machines with high configuration and multiple cores so that the test platform does not become the bottleneck.


The NVMe disks on GKE are still in the Alpha phase, so it requires special application to use them and is not for general usage. In this test, the iSCSI interface type is used for all local SSD disks. With reference to theofficial recommendations,discard,nobarrieroption has been added to the mounting parameter. Below is a complete example:

sudo mount -o defaults,nodelalloc,noatime,discard,nobarrier /dev/[LOCAL_SSD_ID] /mnt/disks/[MNT_DIR]


GKE uses a more scalable and powerfulVPC-Nativemode as its network mode. In the performance comparison, TiDB is tested with Kubernetes Pod and Host respectively.


  • In the test on a single AZ cluster, the c2-standard-16 machine mode is chosen for TiDB/TiKV.
  • In the comparison test on a single AZ cluster and on multiple AZs cluster, the c2-standard-16 machine type cannot be simultaneously adopted in three AZs within the same Google Cloud region, so n1-standard-16 machine type is chosen.

Operation system and parameters

GKE supports two operating systems: COS (Container Optimized OS) and Ubuntu. The Point Select test is conducted on both systems and the results are compared. Other tests are only conducted on Ubuntu.

的核心是进行gured as below:

sysctl net.core.somaxconn=32768 sysctl vm.swappiness=0 sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies=0

The maximum number of files is configured as1000000.

Sysbench version and operating parameters

In this test, the version of sysbench is 1.0.17.

Before the test, theprewarmcommand ofoltp_commonis used to warm up data.


sysbench \ --mysql-host=${tidb_host}\ --mysql-port=4000 \ --mysql-user=root \ --mysql-db=sbtest \ --time=600 \ --threads=16 \ --report-interval=10 \ --db-driver=mysql \ --rand-type=uniform \ --rand-seed=$RANDOM\ --tables=16 \ --table-size=10000000 \ oltp_common \ prepare

${tidb_host}is the address of the TiDB database, which is specified according to actual test needs. For example, Pod IP, Service domain name, Host IP, and Load Balancer IP (the same below).


sysbench \ --mysql-host=${tidb_host}\ --mysql-port=4000 \ --mysql-user=root \ --mysql-db=sbtest \ --time=600 \ --threads=16 \ --report-interval=10 \ --db-driver=mysql \ --rand-type=uniform \ --rand-seed=$RANDOM\ --tables=16 \ --table-size=10000000 \ oltp_common \ prewarm

Pressure test

sysbench \ --mysql-host=${tidb_host}\ --mysql-port=4000 \ --mysql-user=root \ --mysql-db=sbtest \ --time=600 \ --threads=${threads}\ --report-interval=10 \ --db-driver=mysql \ --rand-type=uniform \ --rand-seed=$RANDOM\ --tables=16 \ --table-size=10000000 \${test}\ run

${test}is the test case of sysbench. In this test,oltp_point_select,oltp_update_index,oltp_update_no_index, andoltp_read_writeare chosen as${test}.

Test report

In single AZ

Pod Network vs Host Network

Kubernetes allows Pods to run in Host network mode. This way of deployment is suitable when a TiDB instance occupies the whole machine without causing any Pod conflict. The Point Select test is conducted in both modes respectively.

In this test, the operating system is COS.

Pod Network:

Threads QPS 95% latency(ms)
150 246386.44 0.95
300 346557.39 1.55
600 396715.66 2.86
900 407437.96 4.18
1200 415138.00 5.47
1500 419034.43 6.91

Host Network:

Threads QPS 95% latency(ms)
150 255981.11 1.06
300 366482.22 1.50
600 421279.84 2.71
900 438730.81 3.96
1200 441084.13 5.28
1500 447659.15 6.67

QPS comparison:

Pod vs Host Network

Latency comparison:

Pod vs Host Network

From the images above, the performance in Host network mode is slightly better than that in Pod network.

Ubuntu vs COS

GKE providesUbuntu and COSfor each node. In this test, the Point Select test of TiDB is conducted on both systems.

The network mode is Host.


Threads QPS 95% latency(ms)
150 255981.11 1.06
300 366482.22 1.50
600 421279.84 2.71
900 438730.81 3.96
1200 441084.13 5.28
1500 447659.15 6.67


Threads QPS 95% latency(ms)
150 290690.51 0.74
300 422941.17 1.10
600 476663.44 2.14
900 484405.99 3.25
1200 489220.93 4.33
1500 489988.97 5.47

QPS comparison:

COS vs Ubuntu

Latency comparison:

COS vs Ubuntu

From the images above, TiDB performs better on Ubuntu than on COS in the Point Select test.

Kubernetes Service vs Google Cloud LoadBalancer

After TiDB is deployed on Kubernetes, there are two ways of accessing TiDB: via Kubernetes Service inside the cluster, or via Load Balancer IP outside the cluster. TiDB is tested in both ways.

In this test, the operating system is Ubuntu and the network mode is Host.


Threads QPS 95% latency(ms)
150 290690.51 0.74
300 422941.17 1.10
600 476663.44 2.14
900 484405.99 3.25
1200 489220.93 4.33
1500 489988.97 5.47

Load Balancer:

Threads QPS 95% latency(ms)
150 255981.11 1.06
300 366482.22 1.50
600 421279.84 2.71
900 438730.81 3.96
1200 441084.13 5.28
1500 447659.15 6.67

QPS comparison:

Service vs Load Balancer

Latency comparison:

Service vs Load Balancer

From the images above, TiDB performs better when accessed via Kubernetes Service than accessed via Google Cloud Load Balancer in the Point Select test.

n1-standard-16 vs c2-standard-16

In the Point Select read test, TiDB's CPU usage exceeds 1400% (16 cores) while TiKV's CPU usage is about 1000% (16 cores).

The test compares the TiDB performance on general machine types with that on machines which are optimized for computing. In this performance comparison, the frequency of n1-standard-16 is about 2.3G, and the frequency of c2-standard-16 is about 3.1G.

In this test, the operating system is Ubuntu and the Pod network is Host. TiDB is accessed via Kubernetes Service.


Threads QPS 95% latency(ms)
150 203879.49 1.37
300 272175.71 2.3
600 287805.13 4.1
900 295871.31 6.21
1200 294765.83 8.43
1500 298619.31 10.27


Threads QPS 95% latency(ms)
150 290690.51 0.74
300 422941.17 1.10
600 476663.44 2.14
900 484405.99 3.25
1200 489220.93 4.33
1500 489988.97 5.47

QPS comparison:

n1-standard-16 vs c2-standard-16

Latency comparison:

n1-standard-16 vs c2-standard-16

OLTP and other tests

The Point Select test is conducted on different operating systems and in different network modes, and the test results are compared. In addition, other tests in the OLTP test set are also conducted on Ubuntu in Host network mode where the TiDB cluster is accessed via Kubernetes Service.

OLTP Update Index

Threads QPS 95% latency(ms)
150 6726.59 30.26
300 11067.55 36.24
600 17358.46 48.34
900 21025.23 64.47
1200 22121.87 90.78
1500 22650.13 118.92

OLTP Update IndexOLTP Update Index

OLTP Update Non Index

Threads QPS 95% latency(ms)
150 9230.60 23.95
300 16543.63 54.83
600 23551.01 61.08
900 31100.10 65.65
1200 33942.60 54.83
1500 42603.13 125.52

OLTP Update No IndexOLTP Update No Index

OLTP Read Write

Threads QPS 95% latency(ms)
150 60732.84 69.29
300 91005.98 90.78
600 110517.67 167.44
900 119866.38 235.74
1200 125615.89 282.25
1500 128501.34 344.082

OLTP Read WriteOLTP Read Write

Performance comparison between single AZ and multiple AZs

The network latency on communication across multiple AZs in Google Cloud is slightly higher than that within the same zone. In this test, machines of the same configuration are used in different deployment plans under the same standard. The purpose is to learn how the latency across multiple AZs might affect the performance of TiDB.

Single AZ:

Threads QPS 95% latency(ms)
150 203879.49 1.37
300 272175.71 2.30
600 287805.13 4.10
900 295871.31 6.21
1200 294765.83 8.43
1500 298619.31 10.27

Multiple AZs:

Threads QPS 95% latency(ms)
150 141027.10 1.93
300 220205.85 2.91
600 250464.34 5.47
900 257717.41 7.70
1200 258835.24 10.09
1500 280114.00 12.75

QPS comparison:

Single Zonal vs Regional

Latency comparison:

Single Zonal vs Regional

From the images above, the impact of network latency goes down as the concurrency pressure increases. In this situation, the extra network latency is no longer the main bottleneck of performance.


This is a test of TiDB using sysbench running on Kubernetes deployed on a typical public cloud platform. The purpose is to learn how different factors might affect the performance of TiDB. On the whole, these influencing factors include the following items:

  • In the VPC-Native mode, TiDB performs slightly better in Host network than in Pod network. (The difference, ~7%, is measured in QPS. Performance differences caused by the factors below are also measured by QPS.)
  • In Host network, TiDB performs better (~9%) in the read test on Ubuntu provided by Google Cloud than on COS.
  • The TiDB performance is slightly lower (~5%) if it is accessed outside the cluster via Load Balancer.
  • Increased latency among nodes in multiple AZs has a certain impact on the TiDB performance (30% ~ 6%; the impact diminishes as the concurrent number increases).
  • The QPS performance is greatly improved (50% ~ 60%) if the Point Select read test is conducted on machines of computing type (compared with general types), because the test mainly consumes CPU resources.
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